PUBLICANS Roger Howarth and Debbie Wiggam were pleased as punch to see a Ramsbottom pub listed in the Good Beer Guide for the first time in 10 years.

The pair took over the Good Samaritan, in Peel Brow, in March last year and boosted the pub's popularity with real ale fans by introducing changing guest beers.

They launched a biannual beer festival and have hosted more than 300 beers in the last 18 months.

Now the Good Samaritan has been recognised as one of the best pubs in the country, listed in the new edition of ale encyclopaedia the Good Beer Guide. The pub last made it into the annual guide, published by the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), in 1997.

Roger (27) said: "We re-introduced real ale to Ramsbottom because people wanted more choice. People wanted proper beer rather than the fizzy pop they had been drinking for the past 10 years, which is full of chemicals that just give you a headache.

"Real beer is wonderful stuff. You get different textures and aromas, and flavours that can range from chocolate to liquorice.

"We just decided to give customers what they wanted. We've had a lot of support from Rochdale, Oldham and Bury CAMRA club and now people come from all over for the beer festival in May and August."

Roger and Debbie plan to hold a firework display on November 5 to celebrate the Good Samaritan's entry in the Good Beer Guide. Black peas and other food will be available.